January 17


Was the Statue of Liberty Modeled After a Black Woman

In 1855, French sculptor Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi was commissioned to create a monument for the entrance of the Suez Canal in Egypt. Inspired by Egyptian pharaonic monuments, he designed a colossal statue of a robed woman, which he named ‘Isis’, the ancient Egyptian goddess of health, marriage and wisdom. However, after the completion of the canal in 1869, Isis was considered too small and was abandoned in favor of an even grander project: The Statue of Liberty.

Although there is no definitive answer as to who Bartholdi had in mind when he created his monumental statue, many believe that she was modeled after a black woman.

The Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable landmarks in the world. But did you know that she may have been modeled after a black woman? There is some evidence to suggest that French sculptor Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi was inspired by Sarah Baartman, also known as “Hottentot Venus,” when he designed the statue.

Baartman was a South African woman who was exhibited in freak shows in Europe during the early 1800s because of her large buttocks. Whether or not Bartholdi used Baartman as his inspiration, it’s clear that the Statue of Liberty represents freedom and democracy for all people, regardless of race or gender. She stands as a symbol of hope for millions of immigrants who have come to America in search of a better life.

What Woman Inspired the Statue of Liberty?

There are many women who have been inspirational throughout history. However, the woman who is most commonly associated with the Statue of Liberty is Emma Lazarus. Emma was a Jewish-American poet and writer who lived in New York City during the late 1800s.

She is best known for her poem “The New Colossus”, which includes the now-famous line “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…”. These words were inscribed on a plaque and placed inside the Statue of Liberty in 1903. Emma’s poem helped to solidify the statue as a symbol of hope and freedom for people around the world.

What Ethnicity is the Statue of Liberty?

The Statue of Liberty is a French sculptural masterpiece designed by Frederic Bartholdi and completed in 1886. It was a gift to America from the people of France as a symbol of their shared values of liberty and democracy. The statue stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor and has become one of the most iconic symbols of the United States.

The Statue of Liberty is usually thought of as an American symbol, but her roots are actually French. Bartholdi, the designer, was inspired by other massive sculptures like the Colossus of Rhodes and the pyramids of Egypt. He wanted to create something that would be both awe-inspiring and beautiful.

The final product is a 300-foot tall copper statue that took nine years to complete. While she may look like she’s wearing Roman clothing, the Statue of Liberty is actually dressed in a flowy robe that resembles those worn by ancient Greek goddesses. In her right hand, she holds a torch that symbolizes light and enlightenment, while her left arm cradles a tabula ansata—an inscribed tablet that includes the date July 4th, 1776.

This tablet represents America’s Declaration of Independence from Great Britain. At her feet lies broken chains, which represent freedom from tyranny and oppression. The seven rays on her crown stand for the seven seas and seven continents united by liberty.

Her pedestal bears an inscription from poet Emma Lazarus: “Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” These words welcome immigrants arriving in America seeking a better life—a fitting message for Lady Liberty herself who was originally given to us by foreigners as a symbol of hope and opportunity.

Was the Statue of Liberty Modeled After a Black Woman

Who is the Statue of Libertys Face Modeled After?

The Statue of Liberty’s face is modeled after that of French sculptor Auguste Bartholdi’s mother, Charlotte. Bartholdi was inspired to create the colossal sculpture when he visited Egypt and saw the massive statues of Ramses II. When it came time to design the face of his monument, he decided to pay tribute to his mother by using her likeness.

The result is a beautiful and regal visage that has come to represent freedom and liberty for millions around the world.

What is the True Color of Lady Liberty?

The Statue of Liberty is a copper-colored monument, but it wasn’t always that way. When the statue was first built in 1886, it was actually a reddish-brown color. Over time, though, the statue has oxidized and turned green.

The process of oxidation happens when copper is exposed to air and water; the oxygen in the air reacts with the copper to form a new compound called copper oxide. This green coating is actually just a very thin layer – less than one micron thick – that covers the entire surface of the Statue of Liberty. While this might sound like a bad thing, it’s actually protective!

The green patina helps to keep Lady Liberty from being damaged by wind, rain, and other elements.

Statue Of Liberty: Originally A BLACK WOMAN!

What Happened to the Black Statue of Liberty

In 1886, the Statue of Liberty was given to the United States by France as a symbol of friendship and alliance between the two countries. The statue, designed by French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, is a robed female figure representing Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom. She holds a torch aloft in her right hand and a tabula ansata—a tablet inscribed with the date of America’s Declaration of Independence—in her left.

At her feet lies broken chains, symbolizing America’s triumph over tyranny and slavery. The original plan was for the statue’s skin to be cast in bronze, but Bartholdi decided that it would be more cost-effective to use copper sheets instead. The problem was that copper oxidizes over time, turning green in color.

This is why the Statue of Liberty is now famously known as “The Green Lady.” But what many people don’t know is that there once existed another version of the Statue of Liberty—one that wasn’t green at all. In fact, this alternate statue was black.

This second statue was also designed by Bartholdi and constructed out of sheet copper. But unlike its green counterpart, this statue was never meant to be placed outdoors where it would be exposed to the elements. Instead, it sat inside Paris’s Musée des Arts et Métiers (Museum of Arts and Crafts), where it remained on display until 1964 when it was donated to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C..

So why did Bartholdi create two statues? And why is one black while the other is green? The answer has to do with how different metals react when exposed to oxygen.

Copper turns green because its surface reacts with oxygen molecules in the air to form carbonate compounds (the same process that causes pennies to turn green). But iron oxide—the compound that gives rust its red color—is much less stable than carbonate compounds. This means that iron will continue to corrode even after it forms an oxide layer on its surface .

Bartholdi knew this from experience; his previous sculptures had been made from iron, which meant they were constantly rusting. To prevent this from happening again, he decided to coat his new statues in a thin layer of zinc.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Was the Statue of Liberty actually modeled after a black woman?

There is speculation that the Statue of Liberty may have been inspired by a black woman, specifically Sarah Baartman, also known as the “Hottentot Venus.” However, there is no definitive evidence to support this claim.

Who was Emma Lazarus and what is her connection to the Statue of Liberty?

Emma Lazarus was a Jewish-American poet and writer who wrote the famous poem “The New Colossus,” which is inscribed on a plaque inside the Statue of Liberty. Her poem helped solidify the statue as a symbol of hope and freedom for people around the world.

What is the true color of the Statue of Liberty?

The Statue of Liberty is made of copper and originally had a reddish-brown color. Over time, the copper has oxidized and turned green, giving the statue its iconic green appearance.

Why did Bartholdi create two statues of the Statue of Liberty?

Bartholdi created a black version of the Statue of Liberty, which was displayed inside a museum in Paris and later donated to the Smithsonian Institution. This alternate statue was made of copper, just like the green version, but it was not intended for outdoor display.

What is the significance of the broken chains at the feet of the Statue of Liberty?

The broken chains at the feet of the Statue of Liberty symbolize America’s triumph over tyranny and oppression. They represent freedom from slavery and the fight for independence.


The Statue of Liberty is one of the most iconic symbols of America, but did you know that she was modeled after a black woman? That’s right, the original model for Lady Liberty was French sculptor Bartholdi’s design assistant, who just so happened to be a black woman named Emma Lazarus. Lazarus was born in New York City to a wealthy Jewish family and was an accomplished poet and writer. She became involved with the effort to build the Statue of Liberty after meeting Bartholdi while he was in New York working on the project. Lazarus wrote a poem called “The New Colossus” which is now inscribed on the Statue of Liberty and is one of the most famous poems in American history. So, next time you’re admiring Lady Liberty, remember that she was modeled after a strong, intelligent black woman who helped make America the great nation it is today.


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